Using Object Oriented Programming to programme a simple quiz game.
Able to create a Class Module, Object and call its methods.
Using Turtle class module to create snake game.
Able to understand and use the Turtle module documentation to call appropriate methods.
Modified the snake game to be able to keep track of the highest score. Create a mail merge of different mails with replacing guests names using the same letter template.
Able to read, write, and append data to a .txt file.
Access .csv file using pandas and create U.S. States Game.
Able to create, extract, and update dataframes to .csv files using pandas and access both row and column data.
Create a functional Password Manager GUI using the Tkinter module and .json type data.
Able to set up the functional Tkinter widgets according to the grid system. Able to dump, load and update the .json file.
Create an Automated Birthday Wisher programme.
Able to use smtplib and time module to send email at specific date or time. Able to run the python programme constantly on cloud through pythonanywhere.
Create Quiz App by Getting the quiz bank data from Specific Website.
Able to Get the API data from the Quiz Brain Website such that the programme will refresh different types of 10 questions on every restart.
Create a Workout tracking record using Natural language processing and Calories burning calculator API and Sheety API to update the data in Google sheet.
Able to create several classes to manage different API data by using GET and POST.
Create a Flight search club and invite users to sign email up. Using API and Sheety API to send low price alerts to the users.
Able to Get, Post and Put API data
Create a 100 songs spotify playlist in which the titles were scrapped from “Billboard Hot 100” through spotify developer API using Spotipy module.
Able to use bs4 to perform web scraping and scrap pieces of HTML data and input the data to API params/ headers.
Familiarise with selenium modules by generating an automated web clicker.
Able to use selenium to interact and perform tasks on website automatically using python.
Create personal site with CSS styling.
Create a responsive personal site.